Lotus Blooming

We have come to one of my favorite blooming seasons of the year...lotus flower blooming! We are fortunate to live close to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden and have been taking advantage of this urban oasis for years. All summer long the garden stays open late on Wednesday evenings for members only, so we take the kids, eat dinner and let them run around at dusk. Usually there are only a handful of other people there and it feels like our own HUGE private garden (with lots of rabbits running around). As you can see I took a ton of pictures of the lotuses, they were breathtaking. These are images that I will mine all year in my paintings, especially in the long winter months when my eyes are starved for natural beauty and detail. I'm storing it up for the winter already!

Another thing that makes the Brooklyn Botanic Garden our special place is that we got married there! Seven whole years ago. In that beautiful glass conservatory just behind Frank, which also happens to be just next to...the lotus and waterlily ponds!