Honestly Art

I just found out that I was listed as artist of the day over at Honestly Art. This is a wonderful website where blogger Kate Singleton is doing a great job of making contemporary art more accessible by reviewing and listing contemporary artists almost daily. This is a real "eye candy" website with so many great images of artist work to inspire creativity! Here is the listing about me!

Artist of the day: Faith Evans-Sills

Faith Evans-Sills is a local (Brooklyn-based) artist who grew up in rural Pennsylvania and Argentina. She’s been showing in galleries around the Northeast, including A.I.R. gallery and Art Gotham, and Europe since 1995 when she graduated from Skidmore. She went on to receive her MFA from Parsons in 2002.

Evans-Sills work brings a healthy mix of beauty and drama. Although she uses prevalent symbols, such as the lotus flower and butterflies, that can easily read as saccharin, Evans-Sills manages to create art that feels beautiful and intriguing, not trite or overdone. She achieves this by creating layers of color and darkness, elements of nature and abstractions, the ephemeral and the permanent.

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