Worlds within Worlds

Worlds within Worlds
I am the sort of person that needs a lot of time to dream, those hours at night are not enough for me, if I do not have time and space in which to wander inside my head then I am not myself. I day dream about concrete things like our next family vacation, fantasy trips, house projects and houses that I'd love to live in, where we might move, living abroad....and then not so concrete things like pattern and color, animals and insects, people that I have loved, people that I miss, times in my life that were so different than my reality now, the transient nature of everything that we experience, my mind wanders.

That is what this new painting is about. I just finished it last week and I really like the way it is touching on those places that I can't describe in words. They are there somewhere all the time, those worlds within worlds.

There are also so many places that I visit online when I need some day dream fuel, here are two that I am really into right now: My Marrakesh, and Door Ways Traveler. Loving that I feel so transported just scrolling through.
Faithart, dreams, paintings4 Comments