Happy Solstice

We woke up yesterday morning to a most delicious surprise, our world was transformed by snow.
What fun! We have been close to the fireplace in between sledding in the park, trudging through the HUGE snow piles that build up on New York City street corners, cooking (veggie chili and scones, yum!) and enjoying the build up as each day brings us closer to Christmas. The holiday fair that I was selling at on Saturday went really well, and I've been reveling in the happiness of a job well done.

Now, the orders and Christmas presents are all in the mail, and I'm looking forward to the next few days of winding down while celebrating more and more each day.

The sun set today at 4:30PM, the shortest day of the year. Happy Solstice everyone!
Thank you so much to all of you who entered my Solstice celebration giveaway!
This evening at 5Pm I put all of your names into a bowl and had my children choose one each (with no peeking), and the winners are....

Stacy, of Mama-Om, has won the Note Card Set
Lisa, of Doorways Traveler, has won the print of Awakening

Congratulations to you both. I loved hearing from each of you that posted a comment, it is great to hear your voices and visit your blogs. I am pleased to meet you!