Snow, snow, snow

In all of my years here in New York I don't remember a winter like the one that we are having right now. The snow is pummeling us, again and again with weekly snowfalls, sometimes more often. Yesterday, the snow began again, that's our house half way down the block with the turquoise cornice,

Then this morning we opened our shutters to a winter wonderland, again,

It was a day to build blanket forts and stay in pajamas longer than usual,

I love the quiet after a huge snowfall, the snow absorbes the sound, and the whole world feels soft and powdery. After a huge snowfall the streets in New York become like sidewalks and there is a feeling of comradery as everyone is digging themselves out and taking a day off to sled and play.

Frank spent a good part of the afternoon building a snow fort in our backyard, staying out there building long after Jasper got cold and retreated inside,

From the looks of things we'll have this sweet fort around to add to and play with for a while, I don't think that the snow will be going away anytime soon!

Finally, here is a short time lapse video that I enjoyed of one of the blizzards that we've had here in NYC this January,

Time Lapse NYC Snow Blizzard from K Taro Hashimura on Vimeo.