Future Memory Log: Prospect Park West

Newly spring, 
early evening, 
dusky light, 
rushing past, 
walking quickly, 
chill in the air,

I've walked this side walk countless times, 
roller blading (years ago),
more recently with babies in strollers and slings, 
walking them to sleep,
then with friends,
heading to play groups,
kids riding scooters and bikes, 
to the playground,
with every step,
a memory.

Tonight at winter's end flowers bloom,

a lush patch of crocuses that I have watched grow over years behind a chain fence, 
feel's so New York to me.
The sky, 
turning pink at the edges, 
the quiet colors of evening,
taking hold.
Tree silhouettes outlined by the light, 
naked stems turning toward the sun over time, 
visible without their leaves for this season.