My Amazing Husband's Art

My dear husband Frank has some really exciting things going on with his work this spring, lots of things happening. Tonight he's got an opening right here in Charleston at Robert Lange Studios,  I'm summoning all of my energy (not much to spare in the evenings these days!) for the opening tonight and then going out to dinner afterwards. Whew and yipeee, I'm excited for a night out.
Here is his press release announcement for the show tonight along with the other exciting things that he's got in the works right now. So proud of my man.
Looking in, oil on linen, 18" x 24", 2012

"Everything Changes"
a group show at Robert Lange Studios
Charleston, SC
May 4-31
opening reception May 4th 5-8pm

Angel Oak
Angel Oak, oil on linen, 21" x 28", 2011
"Tree Hugger" at
 Larchmont, NY
a group show with Emily Brown, Gregory Hennen, Wennie Huang, and Amy Talluto
April 14-May 19
opening reception on the evening of April 14

"My work will also appear in the most recent issue of Studio Visit magazine,
highlighting the work of emerging artists."

"It's been almost a year since my move to Charleston,SC, and I've been working on a whole new body of work. Keep updated by visiting my website, blog and Facebook page...Thanks!"
You can connect with Frank and all of his goings on here...
Francis Sills, artist Facebook page