A New Offering: 90 Days of Mandalas

::90 Days of Inspiration to Awaken your Heart and Ground your Soul::
Join me for 3 months of Nature Mandala images and inspiring quotes delivered directly to your inbox daily.
Do you often feel like you go through your days thirsty for inspiration? When you catch glimpses, in words or images, that inspire your best self do you feel a refreshment deep within your soul? Do you long for more of this soul saturating beauty in your life but often can't find the time to seek it out, or become overwhelmed looking for it on social media?
Feeding your soul with inspiration is so important to living a rich, whole and integrated creative life.

::I believe that when you make it a priority to ground your self in wisdom and beauty, practically every area of your life is affected in a positive way, including your outlook and your relationships::

 I know that searching for inspiration can start to feel very overwhelming, especially in our information saturated world. It can feel frustrating, discouraging, and like there is never enough time.
I love sharing my nature mandalas with the world over on Instagram as I create them, and I've had such an overwhelming positive response to them that I have come to see how much they help people.
Many of my followers write to me saying,

"When your flower mandalas come up in my feed I literally feel myself stop and take a deep breath, and sigh with joy."

I want everyone to be able to have this experience every day as a beautiful part of your daily relaxation practice. That is what led me to create this 90 day journey.

Spend a season grounding yourself in inspiration and reflection as each day I deliver a nature mandala, along with words of wisdom for you to reflect on, right to your inbox. As an artist and a mother I live a fully integrated creative life, which means I allow space for my creativity to seep into every aspect of everything that I do even on my busy days... this takes effort to constantly stay inspired, but what I have learned is that creativity feeds creativity and inspiration fuels inspiration. Keeping yourself in that creative mindset as often as possible is the key, and I want to share that with you!
Over the years I've found lots of prompts and tricks to keep myself inspired...one of the greatest has been my nature mandala practice, I've put all of that into this e-mail program through words and images.

Testimonial for Mandala Meditations:
 Mati Rose McDonough; artist, author, teacher: "These emails make me insanely happy on a daily basis! I love them!"

I created this 90 Mandala Journey as a way of immersing myself in beauty (my favorite place to be!) Over time they will give you not only a daily dose of inspiration and reflection, but also to slowly build within you a heightened awareness of life's beauty and new appreciation for whatever you hold most dear. You can start this journey at any time, it is completely self directed and at your own pace! At the end of your three month journey I'll send you a prompt detailing a soulful ceremony to help you lighten your load as you release all that is not serving you on your creative path.

 ::A beautiful journey awaits you::

What do you get?:
Daily for 90 days I'll send joy to your inbox, you'll receive one of my original nature mandala photographs coupled with a thoughtful quote to inspire your best self and encourage your own creativity to soar. Strengthening your soul's journey in connection to nature's peace. Using nature mandalas to awaken and ground your heart. At the end of three months I'll send you prompts for a personal ceremony to help you let go of things that are not currently serving you.

The emails are yours to keep and enjoy again and again for your own personal meditation practice, you can print them out, make a book, whatever you choose.
As soon as you purchase, you’ll be redirected to a private page where you input your name and email address. You’ll receive a confirmation email, and you just have to confirm that you want to receive the prompts. As soon as you do, you’ll start receiving daily prompts for the next 90 days. Simple and easy, but if you have any questions along the way or you aren’t immediately redirected to sign up, just shoot me an email at “faith@faithevanssills.com” without the quotes, and I’ll make sure you’re taken care of.

Come along, begin the journey of grounding yourself in connection to nature's peace on my 90 day Mandala Meditation Journey.
